[Submission by Noreen Wall, OST P.S.90 ]
In Honor of Women’s Day
You are the co-creators of Man
You are the life blood of nations, communities and homes
You are the collaborators of new life
You are the co-conspirators of deep rooted movements
You stand firm for all that is good and right and true
Even if you haven’t learned just how that’s done
Even when you make the mistake of breaking your other sisters down
You are the movers the shakers and the innovators….
Or the quiet, soft spoken gems that hold space for other people’s growth
You question the status quo…
Or maybe you haven’t found your voice enough to quite yet do that
TO THOSE WHO HAVE OVERCOME and those who are still going through.
Yes… through whatever you feel may have stirred or shaken your soul
To those who have answered their calling
Those who are still questioning
Those who are still awaiting a response.
To those chasing corporate dreams. Creative Dreams. Collective Dreams
Or Maybe you are busy chasing your own
The Hurt, the Broken, the Sacred sisters
The ones who are still healing or learning how to heal
To the mothers…
The stay at homes keeping their families together
Mothers of their communities
The mothers of each other. Mothers of other Mothers.
The guardians of stories or ideas, have given birth to ideas and oh yes of course! have given birth to actual babies too
I honor you. I humbly bow in your presence.
recognize my own light by observing yours
You have planted my feet on solid ground
I grow roots, and wings because of you
When I fall, You have lifted me up to the highest of heights once more
I’ve grown and learned, Until I’ve accepted the invitation to share your light
So now… I mean right now!
I want you to close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
Yup!… inhale… DEEPLY
Exhale… Steadily and INTENTIONALLY
Feel that?
If not do it again with your hand against your heart.
That’s your POWER
Stand grounded in it. Its irrevocable.
It doesn’t need permission
It doesn’t have to be loud. It doesn’t have to be soft
The only requirement is that it’s yours
Feel it.
Emit it.
Extend it to the woman by your side
Encourage her to do the same
Hold her hand if you have to. Sit with her if you must! Until…
The climate becomes right. Then she’ll be ready… Ready to grow
We are a collective. Each of us are necessary. We are the might and the force that will shift the way we all experience the world.
But we must be bold enough to hold each other’s hand to do so.
Happy Women’s Day